
Occu­py­ing a space that once housed one of Broad Street’s his­toric the­aters, Casel­la Eye Cen­ter has been a down­town fix­ture for three gen­er­a­tions. This optom­e­try prac­tice is geared toward com­pre­hen­sive and per­son­al­ized patient care through treat­ment and man­age­ment of eye dis­ease and the fit­ting and pre­scrib­ing of all types of glass­es and con­tact lenses.

Most med­ical and vision insur­ances accept­ed, includ­ing Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Unit­ed Health­Care, Tri­Care, Medicare, UMR, Cigna, Aet­na, Humana, VSP, VCP, Eye­Med, Spectera, Care Improve­ment Plus, and GA/SC Medicaid.