
The eyes have it.

What would human­i­ty be with­out a sense of sight? What would life be like with­out the abil­i­ty to expe­ri­ence the splen­dor of a sun­set or the joy in the face of a laugh­ing child? It’s why Casel­la Eye Cen­ter takes such pride in its abil­i­ty to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive care to its patients. Whether it’s an annu­al eye exam­i­na­tion for new glass­es or a dia­bet­ic eval­u­a­tion, care after an ocu­lar injury or treat­ing a chron­ic and com­plex eye dis­ease, Drs. Thomas and Ben Casel­la believe that, as Optometrists, it’s their respon­si­bil­i­ty to be well versed in all aspects of eye care. For this rea­son, Casel­la Eye Cen­ter strives to be the prac­tice where peo­ple are not only seen, but see.