Dr. Ben's Blog

More than Seeing Clearly

Most peo­ple know hyper­ten­sion, or high blood pres­sure, as the “silent killer.” It can build for decades with lit­tle to no symp­toms and can cause irre­versible dam­age and even death if left untreat­ed. How­ev­er, most peo­ple do not think of glau­co­ma as the “silent blind­er,” but it can build for decades and cause irre­versible dam­age … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Posted in Dr. Ben's Blog, Eye Health

The Enigmatic “Dry Eye”

Dry Eye Syn­drome has made its way to the fore­front of chron­ic eye dis­ease in the past few years (thanks in part to new eti­o­log­i­cal dis­cov­er­ies yield­ing nov­el treat­ment strate­gies — and the ever-aging pop­u­la­tion). How­ev­er, I have very few patients actu­al­ly com­plain of their eyes feel­ing “dry”. Most patients with dry eyes will com­plain of excess tear­ing, … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Posted in Dr. Ben's Blog, Eye Health

Buddy Holly

Celebri­ties have been sport­ing specs for thou­sands of years – the ear­li­est exam­ples date back 2000 years to Impe­r­i­al Chi­na. But Bud­dy Hol­ly did some­thing no oth­er bespec­ta­cled celeb had man­aged to do. Per­haps it was his inno­v­a­tive take on Amer­i­can music, per­haps it was his less-is-more approach to eye­wear. What­ev­er the rea­son, the late, … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Posted in Celebrity Eyewear, Dr. Ben's Blog

da Vinci

The eyes are the gate­way to the soul.” Was Her­man Melville sim­ply stat­ing the obvi­ous with this famous quote, or was he onto some­thing a bit more — for lack of a less Woody Allen-esque term – meta­phys­i­cal? What­ev­er the case may be, star­ing at the Mona Lisa today prob­a­bly has an equal­ly stir­ring yet hyp­not­ic effect as it … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Posted in Dr. Ben's Blog, Eyes & Art

A site for sore eyes

Wel­come to the new dig­i­tal home of Casel­la Eye Cen­ter. At Casel­la, we’re proud to be part of the Augus­ta com­mu­ni­ty, of our long his­to­ry here and the gen­er­a­tions of fam­i­lies that have chose to see a Dr. Casel­la for three gen­er­a­tions. That’s why this site has been designed as a place where patients can learn about … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Posted in Dr. Ben's Blog, News